Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's been over a month!

Time flies and we've been busy around here.

Marley is days away from being 10 months old and is into everything! She's walking, or taking a few steps not holding onto anything but she's getting faster and faster on those feet when she's holding onto something. And she's speedy on those hands and knee's crawling. We've really had to baby proof the house the last couple of days/weeks. She knows how to wave and will sometimes blow you a kiss but both are those on her terms only now.

We've been to St. Augustine and Orlando, both to visit with my parents. Marley loved her trip to Sea World, and we were surprised how attentive she was in the shows. She loved the Pet's Ahoy show and would yell and wave her hands up in the air in excitement during the Shamu show.

She also went swimming again and really enjoyed it.

I'm loving my job and it keeps me busy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Y3W: A New Job!

Today I will be handing in my two weeks notice at American Eagle because over the last couple of days I have become a member of the Boys & Girls Club staff. I'll be doing Special Events and Programming at the Teen Center. I'm so excited to start creating something new for the Teens. We have quite a few ideas set up and ready to take place! I'm working on a Mardi Gras Masquerade for next weekend at the moment so I'm pretty busy getting everything in place so this will be short. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011


The plot is pretty transparent, the jokes are fairly obvious, and if I said the words "the club is in financial trouble", you can most likely guess the majority of rest of the movie.

Vocally, Christina Aguilera and Cher both have amazing voices. But does every song they sing have to be a power-ballad with all those full-out wails and cadenzas? Enough, already!  I understand she's passionate about what she's singing. That's fine. But don't beat me over the head with it. Those songs and vocal gymnastics lose their dramatic power when they're all we ever get to hear.

Oh, and as for the final number… THAT was the song that took so long for the hero to write??? THAT was the song that was so deeply personal that he couldn't share it with anyone until he felt it was perfect???

If you're going to see this movie, just enjoy it for what it is. Don't expect a piece of masterful cinema, don't take it too seriously. Enjoy the music, enjoy the plot for the fluff it is, and if you're a guy seeing it with your wife/girlfriend, enjoy the scantily-clad women.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Black Swan

With Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler), you know going in that you are going to get something gritty, raw, and real. You know that, even if it's good, it's going to be hard to process. But when he gets a hold of something, really gets a hold of it, you won't be able to look away, no matter how hard it is to watch. 

"Black Swan" is no exception. In many ways this is the most Aronofsky of his films. His style is spot on and works exquisitely with the world he is presenting. It's surprising because he normally shows the dirty, gritty, and ugly places; where as everything in this film is clean and polished. But don't let that fool you; he saved the dirt and grit for the characters.

Natalie Portman as Nina was incredible. Her transformation through the movie is disturbing and very intense, and Portman handles it incredibly well. She plays a very flawed character, making the role even tougher. Nina is not the greatest ballet dancer in the world by any stretch of the imagination. She has all the technique and is in fact a master at it, yet it is her emotion that she has the problem with. Portman almost had to act her character poorly to capture the multiple layers correctly. The unfitting facial expressions and awkward movements are part of the character of Nina, and Portman somehow makes it all work to a great advantage that makes the film even more fascinating.

The rest of the cast is incredible as well. Mila Kunis takes on a much more serious and more complex role than she is used to. Her character has very many layers, and doesn't fit into one specific archetype, mainly for reasons that would spoil the movie. Vincent Cassel is the sleazy and inappropriate director of this ballet production. He is the driving force behind much of the tragedy of the film, and he is a character you love to hate.

Not everyone will love this movie, actually most people will probably dislike it. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oscar Nominees

Best Motion Picture of the Year
Black Swan (review tomorrow)
The Fighter
***The Kids Are All Right
***The Kings Speech
***127 Hours
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
***True Grit
***Winters Bone

*** Haven't seen yet.

Atlanta Aquarium

We had a blast!

