Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's been over a month!

Time flies and we've been busy around here.

Marley is days away from being 10 months old and is into everything! She's walking, or taking a few steps not holding onto anything but she's getting faster and faster on those feet when she's holding onto something. And she's speedy on those hands and knee's crawling. We've really had to baby proof the house the last couple of days/weeks. She knows how to wave and will sometimes blow you a kiss but both are those on her terms only now.

We've been to St. Augustine and Orlando, both to visit with my parents. Marley loved her trip to Sea World, and we were surprised how attentive she was in the shows. She loved the Pet's Ahoy show and would yell and wave her hands up in the air in excitement during the Shamu show.

She also went swimming again and really enjoyed it.

I'm loving my job and it keeps me busy.